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Senior Pastor Yoshiaki Masui

増井義明 主任牧師


函館市出身。中学2年のときに単身アメリカへ渡り、ライフ神学校、AZUSA神学校などを卒業後、1998年 日本に帰国。

函館シオン教会の副牧師に就任。 その後2009年函館シオン教会主管牧師に就任。リーダーやスタッフの育成や若者を導き励まし、2004年 若者を中心としたバイリンガル礼拝、Z I F

( Zion International Fellowship ) を始めた。 フォースクエア福音教団での働きや海外宣教、講師としての働き、その他児童養護施設との関わりなど教会外での働きも行っている。


Born in Hakodate. Studied abroad in the U.S. beginning in the 8th grade in Oregon; attended Life Bible College in California, and received a Master’s Degree from Azusa Pacific University (Calif.). In 1998 he returned to Japan and was appointed Associate Pastor of Hakodate Zion Church. In 2009, he became the Senior Pastor of Hakodate Zion. With a heart for training leaders, nurturing the staff, and youth ministry, in 2004 he began a youth-oriented bilingual worship service called ZIF (Zion International Fellowship). He served the Foursquare denomination as Overseas Missions Director, Lecturer at the Kanto Foursquare Bible College, as well as volunteering at an orphanage and other activities in the community.

His hobby is karate.

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